Food for Kids Weekend Pack-A-Sack Program

Year Founded
Local Leader/Exec. Director
Mrs. Susan Tinsley
Primary Contact Name
Susan Tinsley
Main Address

P.O. Box 674
Bedford, VA 24523
United States

What We Do

We supply bags of food for the weekend that contain approximately six kid friendly meals and assorted snacks.  This program started in 2010at Body Camp Elementary School, which had one of the highest rates of reduced free lunch percentages in the county.  After this school was closed in 2015, we incorportated our program so that we could follow these students to two other schools: Huddleston and Moneta Elementary.  In 2016 we added Goodview ES, in 2018 we added Montvale ES.  For a few years; 2020, 21, 22, we also delivered bags for students at Staunton River Middle School.  In September 2023, we added Stewartsville ES, bringing our total to an estimated 500 bags per week, every week of the school year.  Our packing room is located in Downtown Moneta; we pay a nominal rent for the space wherein we store our food purchases and pack the bags weekly.  Volunteers calculate and place food orders monthly, a team of drivers transports the food to us.  Other volunteers manage inventory, stock supplies, pack the items in an organized assembly line.  Drivers transport the bags to the schools each week for distribution to the children.

Food insecurity for children is a sad reality in our country.  Bedford County continues to be one of the highest free lunch districts in Virginia.  

Interesting Info
  • Our estimated cost to support on child is$10 a week; $50 a month or $400 a year.
  • We serve approximately 500 children per week.
  • We are 100% volunteer and rely on grants and donations to make this all happen.
Geographic Location

Bedford County