Central Virginia Land Conservancy

Year Founded
Local Leader/Exec. Director
Kyle Simpson, Program Manager
Primary Contact Name
Kyle Simpson
Main Address

P.O. Box 12105
Lynchburg, VA 24506
United States

What We Do

The Central Virginia Land Conservancy (CVALC) is a 501c3 non-profit land trust established in 2003 and based in Lynchburg.  CVALC was founded by a group of citizens who shared a sense of urgency regarding the preservation and conservation of the forests, farmlands, and other natural and historic resources in this beautiful part of Virginia.  For 20 years, our mission has been to help landowners conserve their property through voluntary land preservation agreements known as conservation easements.  Initially, this was through advocacy and outreach to promote opportunities made available by other state-level organizations.  However, as gaps in coverage grew, leaving conservation out of reach for more and more landowners, CVALC pivoted to holding its own easements by merging with the Roanoke-based Blue Ridge Land Conservancy.  The combined organization, Land Savers United, is an accredited land trust which protects over 30,000 acres across 16 Virginia counties.

CVALC has, and continues to work, with farmers and other landowners in preserving thousands of acres in our service area, which includes Amherst, Appomattox, Buckingham, Campbell, and Nelson Counties and the City of Lynchburg.

Geographic Location

City of Lynchburg, Amherst County, Appomattox County, Bedford County, Campbell County

2025 Cornerstone Celebration
Duration of 2 hours
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