Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Virginia

Volunteer Opportunity:
Site-Based Big Brother/Sister
I'm Interested!

Looking to do something rewarding during your lunch hour or after work once a week? Join our Site-Based program which includes local elementary schools and after-school programs at our community centers where you can visit your Little to talk, have lunch, work on homework, or play.

The goal of the Site Base program is to provide a volunteer the opportunity to have fun, engage with a child one on one, be a role model, offer encouragement and broaden horizons. You and your Little will meet once a week for an hour at a designated and supervised site. 

For more information visit our website:

Good for Groups?
Type of Opportunity
Monday, January 20th, 2025, 12:26pm - Tuesday, January 21st, 2025, 1:26pm
Repeats daily, 12:26pm - 1:26pm for 365 times
Duration of 1 hour
Location Details
Work from Anywhere
I'm Interested!