If you do not already have a business PayPal account, these are the instructions for registering your nonprofit to accept donations from PayPal through SHARE Greater Lynchburg.
Before you start, you will need the following information:
- Your nonprofit’s Employer Identification Number (EIN)
- A scanned copy of your determination letter designating your organization as a nonprofit (this document also lists your EIN)
- A scanned copy of either a voided check or a bank statement
- Your nonprofit’s bank routing number and bank account number
- An individual in your organization will need to provide the last 4 digits of their social security number, birth date and their home address. This person is validating the nonprofit status and banking information (this is typically your Executive Director or accountant)
Step 1: Login to SHARE Greater Lynchburg
- Click the “Log In” button at the bottom of the SHARE Greater Lynchburg home page
- You will be taken to your Nonprofit Profile
Step 2: Navigate to donations tab on profile page
- Click the “Donations” tab at the top of the page
- You will be taken to your Donation information
Step 3: Begin donations setup process
- Click the “Start” button to go to PayPal login
Step 4: Enter the email address to use for PayPal
- Enter the email address you would like to use for your nonprofit PayPal business account. This should be an email address that is permanent to your nonprofit.
- Click “Next”
- You will be taken to the PayPal Business Account Signup Page
Step 5: Sign up for a PayPal business account
- Enter an email address that will be used as your PayPal login ID
- Enter a new PayPal password and re-enter password to confirm
- Enter the First and Last Name of the person who will be the business contact for the account
- Enter the legal business name of your nonprofit
- Enter the business phone number, street address, city, state, and ZIP code of your nonprofit
- Read the PayPal User Agreement, Privacy Policy and Delivery Policy
- Note that by clicking “Agree and Continue”, you give SHARE Greater Lynchburg permission to integrate your PayPal account into our site
- You will be taken to the Business Information page
Step 6: Provide details about your business to PayPal
- Choose your Business Type (Nonprofit Organization) from the dropdown list
- For Business Category choose “Charity”
- Enter the Employer ID Number (EIN) for your organization
- Indicate that you have a business website and enter your website address
- Write a short description of what your nonprofit does
- Click the “Continue” Button
- You will be taken to the Business Contact Personal Information Page
Step 7: Provide personal information about your PayPal business contact
Federal regulations require that PayPal verifies the identity of Business Contacts with the following information:
- Enter the last 4 digits of the social security number
- Enter date of birth
- Enter home street address, city, state and ZIP code
- Click “Submit”
- You will be taken to the Confirmation Screen
Step 8: Receive confirmation that you have signed up for PayPal
You have now setup a PayPal business account for your nonprofit and have given SHARE Greater Lynchburg permission to route payments to you. You’re almost done!
- Click the “Go back” button to return to your Nonprofit Profile on SHARE Greater Lynchburg
Step 9: Verify your PayPal account
PayPal will send an email to the address you entered when you completed the signup process.
- You will need to open the email from PayPal
- Click on the link in the email to confirm your account
- Once it is confirmed, go back to the “Donations” tab on your Nonprofit Profile
- Click on the “Start” Button
Step 10: Enter PayPal email address
- Enter your PayPal email address
- Click “Next”
- You will be taken to the PayPal login page
Step 11: Login to PayPal
- Enter your PayPal email address
- Enter your PayPal password
- Click “Login”
- You will be taken to the confirmation page, showing that you have authorized your PayPal account on SHARE Greater Lynchburg
Step 12: Receive confirmation that you have authorized SHARE Greater Lynchburg to route donations to you
- You are now ready to accept payments from PayPal through SHARE Greater Lynchburg!
Step 13: Verify charity status of your PayPal account
PayPal has a special status for Nonprofits. The primary benefit of the designation is a lower transaction rate. If you did not complete this step when you originally set up your PayPal account, please do the following:
- Go to www.paypal.com/charities
- You will need to provide your organization’s Employer Identification Number (EIN)
- You will need to upload a copy of your organization’s Determination Letter
- You will need to verify your banking account information by uploading a copy of a voided check or a bank statement
That’s it! If you have any problems at all please contact SHARE Greater Lynchburg for assistance. We are here to help! Thank you for taking the time to setup your PayPal account on SHARE Greater Lynchburg.